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All I want for Christmas is to get suspended.

What reminds you of Christmas? Santa Claus? Christmas trees? Jingle bells? Frosty the snowman? Stockings filled with candy and toys? Turkey dinners? Visiting relatives? Aliens from space? Muhammad? Shrek? Dogs playing poker?

You can think of anything you want, but if you’re a Taunton gradeschooler, you better not think of Jesus. . . especially if He’s on the cross. After all, Chritmas is a time of joy and happiness-not a time to think of what that cute little baby in the manger came to do. We’ll save that for Easter.

No, on second thought, Easter is for bunnies and eggs and fancy dresses and hats. Nevermind the Jesus thing. You can think about that on your non-holiday time. But not during work or school.

If you haven’t heard the story yet, I’ll quickly summerize it for you:

A Taunton second grader was suspended from school for drawing Jesus on the cross (with ‘x’ eyes) when the teacher asked the class to draw something that reminded them of Christmas.

This boy had the most accurate picture if what Christmas is truly all about.

Sure, it’s about love – unconditional sacrificial love that brought Jesus to humble himself, clothe himself in humanity, and pay our sin debt on that cross.

Sure, it’s about joy – the joy that was set before Him as he endured the shame of that cross.

Sure, it’s about peace – the peace that passes all understanding to those who trust in Him and his work on that cross.

So kudos to you, young Taunton man. Stay true.

One response

  1. Melissa

    Well said!

    December 15, 2009 at 3:32 pm

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